STARTX kustomize repository

startx kustomize repository

Repository of kustomize ressources for various infrastructure configuration and services running under an Openshift Container Platform (or OKD). For more informations and access to the kustomize index, you can visit the startx kustomize-repository homepage.

Kustomize repository content

This repository host various kustomize targeting the Openshift Container Platform environment. Hereby is a list of kustomize packages availables in this repository, and sample to deploy it under your current openshift cluster (must be logged with appropriate rights).

Kustomize Source Description
example source deploy a simple nginx pod exposed via a service
example source deploy a static pod
example source deploy a pod supervised by a deployment
example source deploy a small api motorized by sxapi and supervised by a deployment


# using example package with various profiles
oc apply -k
oc apply -k
oc apply -k
oc apply -k
oc apply -k
oc apply -k
# using all available packages with default profile
oc apply -k
oc apply -k
oc apply -k
oc apply -k

Install this repository

1. Requirements

1.1. install cli dependencies

yum install yq -y

1.2. install kustomize executable

yum install kustomize -y

1.3. Connect to an openshift cluster

oc login -t <my-token> <my-openshift-api>

If you don’t have access to an openshift cluster, consider using codeready-container to run locally a simulated cluster.

2. Install repository

2.1. Install this repository

git clone
cd kustomize-repository

2.2. List all kustomize packages

ls kustomizes

3. Install a kustomize

# oc apply -k kustomizes/<package>
# oc apply -k kustomizes/<package>/<profile>
oc apply -k kustomizes/demo-pod
oc apply -k kustomizes/demo-deployment
oc apply -k kustomizes/demo-deployment/apache
oc apply -k kustomizes/demo-deployment/mysql
oc apply -k kustomizes/demo-sxapi

Install building environment

In order to get the full developement environment, you must follow the install build environment guide

History and releases

Latest release of this repository is v0.0.11 released at 2020-11-21 10:00:00. Read history traceback for more information on change and released version. Complementary information could be found in the release convention